Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Due to popular demands and frenzied requests I now have a Facebook page.

My friends have been laughing at me for having a Multiply site (photo-sharing site) and not having a Facebook page for so long. I have to admit that Facebook has more depth and way more amusing.

What is this big trend with this Internet Social Networking sites? I am wondering what is next.

By the way, what happened to MySpace?

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Username and Password

Don't you just hate when you forget either and you really need it for something?
I need my user name to electronically sign my contract and to agree to the terms and conditions. What ever happened to the good old-fashioned hand signature? The here is your copy and here is my copy and that HAND-WRITTEN signature makes it a binding contract.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Gross news of the month

So figuring I need a break from all the election news, I went over to CNN's videos to pass the time. Well, what do you know.. I may never eat a hotdog bun ever again.

Make sure you are ready before you click this. It's only meant for the brave souls.

Sunday, November 2, 2008


So here it is the very first blog. So I decided to do it about Halloween. So where do we start? Alright lets start by saying this is one of my favorite non-observed holiday. This is the only day you will see people dressed up in crazy costumes just for the heck of it, or to put is simply, for fun.

Why do people dress up for Halloween? So here is a little trivia on Halloween. Back in the day (Ancient Times) before state-of-the-art heaters, winter was a very trying time, food supplies would often run low and nights would be longer, and what do you know, people were afraid of the dark. On Halloween day it would mean that demons and ghosts would rise up and roam around the earth. To prevent them from being recognized people would wear masks after dark to make the demons believe that they are one of the them. And from that belief the wonderful event of wearing costumes was born. Thanks to Google for the info, by the way (Thank you, if you're thinking I am smart for knowing this)

Anyway, so why do I like Halloween so much? Why is it one of my favorites? Because our Halloween will always consist of a party that will require people to dress up in the most outrageous, sexy, funny, scary, etc. costumes they can think of. So why is this good? Because the moment a person arrives at a costume party in a costume his/her inhibitions will drastically drop a huge percent. There is your icebreaker right there. No more awkward introductions, no more pretensions, no more judgments; and without those other stuff, people will just have more time to have an awesome time. Thrown in some drinks, good music, lots of space to dance, some other stuff, and a lot of people willing to have a good time together and you get an epic Halloween party.

I could go on and on about Halloween and maybe throw in some big words. But Halloween is just plain old fun.

Oh and that epic Halloween Party, we had it. What did you do on Halloween?